Monday 9 May 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (101)

My intention today is to write about Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves destruction to matter and turning it into sub subatomic particles; as we already know that life had entered it’s 5th year inside Higgs boson magnetic field and many of it’s aspects had changed due to Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence. In this post I am able to bring to your knowledge five examples of this influence.

The first example of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on matter is methane decay; methane increase in the atmosphere is a no doubt due to the high level of permafrost, and methane molecule is splitting in two different atoms; hydrogen and carbon, Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves are one of the most important causes of this decay. Methane molecule is connected weakly because of the covalent bonding which is based on one electron and this is what makes hydrogen splitting from carbon atom easily due to the vibrations posed on them.

The second example of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on matter is carbon atom decay; carbon atom's electrons can be knocked out due to Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves and the process which is behind this splitting is the integration of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves inside the carbon atom to make it’s electrons loosing their way and leaving it to integrate inside Higgs boson magnetic particles waves.

The third example of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on matter is sulphur decaying; sulphur is one of the most easiest chemicals to decay because of it’s electron formation; it takes easy paths to Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves to knock out sulphur’s electrons due to their perturbing vibrations.

The fourth example of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on matter is electricity; Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves have the power to displace the electricity charges and this is through their vibrations; both charges got broken and this is what makes electricity cut off, not only that but also both charges got pulled by Higgs boson magnetic particles waves to cut off electricity for a long time. I think that human beings have no solution to repair the made damage by Higgs boson magnetic waves to electricity.

The last example of Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on matter is on all existing nuclear stations on earth; through Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves vibrations atoms in the process of decay inside centrifuges will be knocked out from their place to make damage to the process of nuclear energy production. I think that many countries will face serious problems of nuclear energy production and this is what will lead to serious shortness of electricity.

To end this post I would like to remind you that Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves influence on matter are unlimited, and I hope that I will have the occasion to write about some of them.   


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