Saturday 28 May 2016

Higgs Boson Magnetism (116)

Higgs boson magnetism decay to particles is at increase and it’s influence on natural phenomena has achieved a serious stage, and what is shocking is human beings ignorance to reality. In this post I would like to talk about Higgs boson magnetism effects on our life through the explanation of five scenes reflecting these effects.

The first scene reflecting Higgs boson magnetism effect on our life is the cut-off of satellite communication; Higgs boson magnetism has enough power now to break the sent data by satellites and this is through it’s particles waves which can integrate pockets of data sent by satellites inside them. I think that the world is entering to a total anarchy in it’s means of communication and there will be no solution to this situation.

The second scene reflecting Higgs boson magnetism effect on our life is boats sinking; boats are already finding many difficulties to sail in some areas in seas and oceans and this is due to the increase of sea current; the rotating of Higgs boson magnetism inside sea water is making sea current very powerful and able to sink even huge boats. I think that sailors have to acquire new knowledge to sail their boats in the new circumstances created by Higgs boson magnetism.

The third scene reflecting Higgs boson magnetism effect on our life is supercomputers loss to data; supercomputers are favourite places to Higgs boson magnetism acoustic waves to grow their vibrations; and breaking pockets of data is an easy task, and the result is loss of data from supercomputers. IT professionals have no solution to this issue.

The fourth scene reflecting Higgs boson magnetism effect on our life is the banking system computers; the banking system computers will be harmed seriously by Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves and this is through their vibrations; Higgs boson magnetic acoustic waves can break pockets of data inside bank systems computers. I am sure that I am exposing an image of total anarchy in the world due to Higgs boson magnetism.

The last scene reflecting Higgs boson magnetism effect on our life is trains’ electricity cut-off; Higgs boson magnetism pulling to the electricity charges is an easy task; positive charges and negative charges are simply integrated into Higgs boson magnetic particles waves and this is what makes all trains running with electricity unable to run, and transport companies will have serious difficulties to feed their trains with electricity.

Higgs boson magnetism effects on our life are without end, and I hope I will have some time to tell you about more of them.

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