Friday 10 July 2015

Higgs Boson Infinity (44)

Higgs boson infinity (44) is a whole system manipulated by Higgs boson; there are so many systems incorporated in one and this last has six universes including our universe. My imagination took me so far to the bottom of the first universe where everything started and where everything will end; the bottom of the first universe is ten times heavier than our universe and it is also ten times bigger. In today’s post I am willing to share with you five ideas about the six universes and their link together.

The first link between the bottom of the first universe and our universe is the existence of five black holes; most of the astrophysicists agree about the existence of black holes and I am precising their number; because my hypothesis is saying that there are six universes and five existing black holes
between them and each of them is linked to the next one through a black hole.

The second link between the bottom of the first universe and our universe is the three insulators cited in “Higgs Boson the Insulator” post; these insulations are made of diamond, electrons and quarks and they start at the far end of our universe to finish at the bottom of the first universe. Whats understandable from insulators is; in spite the incredible wide of the universes they are still one whole closed system.

The third link between the bottom of the first universe and our universe is Higgs boson magnetism; Higgs boson magnetism is the whole story which is making the headlines in this blog because without Higgs boson magnetism Higgs boson could never be discovered, and because of Higgs boson magnetism our universe travel’s back is in place. Of course our universe’s particles are linked to the bottom of the first universe through Higgs boson magnetism of this last.

The fourth link between the bottom of the first universe and our universe is Higgs boson cosmic rays; Higgs boson cosmic rays are the first link made by Higgs boson of our universe from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) to Higgs boson of the first universe, and they are like the starting point of an engine. And also communication between Higgs boson of the first universe and Higgs boson of our universe could never happen without Higgs boson cosmic rays.

The last link between the bottom of the first universe and our universe is Higgs boson sinusoidal waves; sinusoidal waves of the first universe are bigger by ten times than the sinusoidal waves of our universe and simply they are a continuation from the first universe to our universe. Our universe was ejected from left to right and now is turning back from right to left. And also Higgs boson sinusoidal waves were projected from big to small and now they are in projection from small to big, and all this projection represents a group of Higgs boson sinusoidal waves starting at the first universe and ending at our universe which is universe six. Because of my experiment on Higgs boson this projection is working in the opposite direction; it starts at our universe and ends at the first universe.

My conclusion to this post is also coming from a deep and far imagination; all universes are linked together and they work as a one whole system.        

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