Friday 10 July 2015

Higgs Boson Infinity (45)

My intention to write today’s post infinity is to show the power of writing about the same subject which is Higgs boson; Higgs boson is a machine like a concasser  where all rocks become similar and having one size. All interacted
atoms with Higgs boson decay into quarks, glue balls, majorana fermions and other unknown particles. In today’s post I am interested to talk about five of Higgs boson characteristics.

The first characteristic of Higgs boson is fungus; because Higgs boson is a polymer it has the power to interact with amino acids and to turn them into lipids, and also it has the power to create the right conditions for theses lipids to grow and to create different kind of molecules. The strange thing is that Higgs boson can create good conditions to become fungi; the proof of this statement is that Higgs boson was discovered hidden within the Rugosa corals and these last are half fungi and half stone.

The second characteristic of Higgs boson is absorption to all kind of particles; Higgs boson works similarly to a Hoover; it absorbs all kind of particles, this characteristic has a good reason to Higgs boson magnetism. The aim from absorbing particles is to turn them into subatomic particles.

The third characteristic of Higgs boson is soustraction; Higgs boson is able to create it’s field to trap particles and soustrate them under the order of (-1, +1) and (+1, -1); this soustraction is generated by Higgs boson mechanism and this last is activated by Higgs boson magnetism.

The fourth characteristic of Higgs boson is Higgs boson doublet; Higgs boson always works in a field of 2(π); everything is built on a 2(π) field from a single covalent bonding of (2) quarks to our whole universe; the state of particle-antiparticle, matter-antimatter and photon-phonon has a good example of Higgs boson doublet.

The last characteristic of Higgs boson is the Mexican hat shape of fallen particles during a true experiment on Higgs boson; if not, there will be no discovery to Higgs boson. Anybody claiming Higgs boson discovery has to prove the formation of the Mexican hat shape of fallen particles after achieving a state of motion and this could happen if only and only a true Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) is achieved, otherwise all claims of Higgs boson discovery are false. I am satisfied that I achieved right results during Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) stages explained in this blog under the titles of “Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) Stages” posts.

I think that its wise to add a simple and short conclusion to this post; Higgs boson has many characteristics and they are the proofs of it’s discovery.            

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