Saturday 11 July 2015

Higgs Boson Infinity (47)

The little man has to bring more evidences to his discovery to Higgs boson. Today’s post is a talking infinity about Higgs boson discovery evidences; and these evidences are the whole point of how come that my discovery to Higgs boson is still ignored. I think that by bringing five more evidences to my discovery to Higgs boson and with the hope to convince you to say “yes you are Higgs boson discoverer”, today’s post will achieve it’s aims.

The first convincing evidence to my discovery to Higgs boson is the invading heatwaves to the northern part of planet earth; nobody can ignore that heat waves of this year are unique and record breaking. There are many causes which are making planet earth warming very fast and such causes are: Higgs boson magnetism, Higgs boson acceleration and Higgs boson soustraction.

The second convincing evidence to my discovery to Higgs boson is planet earth warming; who can ignore that planet earth is warming very fast? I think nobody. Scenes of warm earth are everywhere and such scenes are: warm seawater, warm air, warm bottom of the earth proved by the increase in volcanoes eruption number, warm forests proved by the increase in wild fires, warm seas’ and oceans’ bottom proved by the increase in methane level, warm lakes proved by their water disappearance, and warm bodies due to the increase in atoms rotations.

The third convincing evidence to my discovery to Higgs boson is winds; winds directions, winds intensity and winds presence are good proofs to my experiment on Higgs boson. Winds are changing direction, becoming stronger and their presence is more frequent. I think that my writing to “Higgs Boson Winds” post is a convincing proof of my discovery to Higgs boson.

The fourth convincing evidence to my discovery to Higgs boson is ice melting; North Pole ice is melting in an increasing and fast manner as never predicted. Ice is melting very fast because of Higgs boson creation to a new global weather system; within this last warm air find it’s way to the extreme north, heavy rains also find their way to the extreme north, and volcanoes’ ash particles come on ice to make it heavy and easy to melt faster. All these causes are proofs of my discovery to Higgs boson.

The last convincing evidence to my discovery to Higgs boson is heavy rains; I talked so many times in so many occasions about Higgs boson rains. The new era of life had already started with heavy rains everywhere in the world and these rains are good proofs to my discovery to Higgs boson.

Rest to me to tell to the world's scientific communities; are you convinced that I am Higgs boson discoverer or not yet? And make sure that I am not worrying about your decision because it will be on my side sooner or later.


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