Saturday, 22 August 2015

Higgs Boson Infinity (90)

My intention to write Higgs boson infinity (90) is to bring more benefits of superfluid to humanity; these benefits are the results of my experiment on myself, after just one week of circulation of superfluid in my body. I think that this post’s subject will be satisfied through the describing of five benefits of superfluid on human body.

The first benefit of superfluid on human body is good sleeping; just after few days of having superfluid my sleeping went excellent, its not over sleeping but good sleeping and I mean by that; few hours of good deep sleeping and this has already changed my life to a positive one.

The second benefit of superfluid on human body is energy; honestly I have never felt energized as I feel now. From the time I had had superfluid my days became tiredness; I am full of energy and I can do so many things in a very short time and even my thinking and writing became faster and faster. So please don’t miss this opportunity of free energy.

The third benefit of superfluid on human body is stress relief; I never been unstressed as I feel now; I feel calm, focused, manageable, cleared minded, better thinking, relaxed, full of energy, better sense of humour, no headache, good manage to time, good listener and good speaker, more ambitious and more positive. I am sure that people who will have superfluid will have my same feelings.

The fourth benefit of superfluid on human body is good thinking; my thinking had never been as good as it is now, and this is happened not by surprise but through my taking to superfluid. My ideas and my visions are better organized than ever. So why not joining my club of superfluid takers?

The last benefit of superfluid on human body is tranquillity; tranquillity means feeling in peace and in safety and what’s all annoying around you get diminished. Superfluid has a good influence on the brain’s cells by putting them in full operation.

My conclusion to this post is by making a call of assistance to the worlds’ health ministries to listen to me to approve superfluid as a medicine to treat many diseases.

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