Saturday 29 August 2015

Higgs Boson Infinity (99)

My imagination to the use of superfluid as a medicine in the new era of life in which we are living is unlimited, and as long as I am the discoverer and the producer of the superfluid I am making sure and I will do that superfluid is available for free to everybody in the world. In this post I am willing to share with you five key points explaining why superfluid will be available for free to everybody in the world?

The first key point explaining why superfluid will be available for free to everybody in the world is my intention to do so; my generosity has no limit and I always wanted that all the world’s patients get access to a medication for free, and now I am seeing that my dream is becoming true.

The second key point explaining why superfluid will be available for free to everybody in the world is it’s costs; superfluid costs are very low; and it's components are few milliliters of water and few milligrams of sugar and also a small plastic container where to preserve it. I imagine that transport and delivery costs are the only real costs to pay. Patients of the world will pay a very very little sum of money to get superfluid.

The third key point explaining why superfluid will be available for free to everybody in the world is it’s production; superfluid production is with less costs, and it is with time and space efficiency, it’s nature of biochemistry makes it very cheap. There will be no charge of energy and no charge of work force.

The fourth key point explaining why superfluid will be available for free to everybody in the world is humanitarian cause; my love and my passion to humanity made me offering superfluid very cheap and my target is to offer it to any patient in the world. I always think that there is a way to humanity to get an easy and a quick access to medication without costs, without doctors, without clinics or hospitals and without a long range of medicines with complicated names.

The last key point explaining why superfluid will be available for free to everybody in the world is it’s nature; superfluid is made by natural organism which is Rugosa corals combined with water and sugar; this combination made it very cheap.

The conclusion to this post is by sustaining superfluid availability to everybody in the world. I am applying for your efforts to be joined to mine to make superfluid delivery sooner.

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