Monday 15 June 2015

Higgs Boson Infinity (19)

I decided to write something about the occurrence of earthquakes; they are becoming stronger and numerous due to many causes. In today’s post I would like to write about five causes of earthquakes to answer to the following questions: why earthquakes are becoming stronger and numerous? And why their magnitude is increasing every day?

The first cause of the increase in earthquakes' magnitude is Higgs boson magnetism; Higgs boson magnetism has the power to remove huge mountains due to the connection of the earth’s quarks and our universe’s quarks and also earthquakes magnitude is becoming higher and higher because of Higgs boson acceleration.

The second cause of the increase in earthquakes' magnitude is the increase in volcanoes number; because of many causes the bottom of earth is getting hotter and such causes are: quarks interaction with metals, quarks assumption makes the earth particles moving faster and this makes the bottom of earth hotter, quarks manipulation to magma movement which is making it occupying more space, the increase in the sun’s heat and soil decomposition. Volcanoes create more space inside earth and that provokes earthquakes to become numerous and stronger.

The third cause of the increase in earthquakes' magnitude is the increase in water quantity; higher water quantity means more bigger cracks on earth; cracks have an important role to make earthquakes numerous and in higher magnitude.

The fourth cause of the increase in earthquakes' magnitude is the earth loss to it’s mass; earth is loosing it’s mass because of Higgs boson magnetic field; many atoms are transformed to their lowest energy form then transferred into space, and the most important of these atoms is the carbon atom. The lesser dense the earth is the more earthquakes in higher magnitude.

The last cause of the increase in earthquakes' magnitude is soil decomposition; soil is decomposing because of it’s interaction with alpha particles, with water and with photons, and it’s decomposition is causing more softer lands and moving rocks, at this stage earthquakes are only at their beginning to develop. I imagine that in the next few years earthquakes will become a major problem to humanity.

I am sorry to recon that planet earth will shake too much and earthquakes will be at their highest level in number and in magnitude.


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