Saturday 27 June 2015

Higgs Boson Infintiy (31)

I am grasses and plants lover that’s why I decided to write today’s infinity about the genesis and the development of new grasses and plants and the disappearance of others. I am sure that our world is changing very quickly

because of the activated Higgs boson magnetic field. My intention is to talk about five causes of the occurring changes in grasses and plants in order to satisfy our subject’s aims.

The first cause of the changes in grasses and plants is the new global weather system; no one on earth can ignore that the global weather system has changed rapidly during the last (2) to (3) years, and what is interesting to know is that the increase in the rapidity of these changes is happening day after day and this will lead to the total disappearance of all known grasses and the growth of new kind ones.

The second cause of the changes in grasses and plants is Higgs boson electromagnetism; because of Higgs boson electromagnetism everything is pulled up spherically to rise and to have larger and higher size. Grasses and plants are the easiest creature to be pulled up to grow fast.

The third cause of the changes in grasses and plants is heavy rains; the new era of life has a special characteristic which is heavy rains, this last has a huge influence on changing the aspect of nature; most of grasses and plants will not support the abundance of water and they will end by dying and many other new grasses and plants will find the right conditions to grow fast.

The fourth cause of the changes in grasses and plants is heat; in this case also the new era of life has the characteristic of heat, this last has a huge influence of killing many grasses and plants to extinction and the genesis of new ones is imminent.

The last cause of the changes in grasses and plants is sulphur dominance to planet earth atmosphere; the new era of life has the characteristic of sulphur dominance in the planet earth atmosphere; sulphur has a strong power to take out most of grasses and plants from nature and to prepare new conditions to other grasses and plants to grow.

My conclusion to this post is simple and comprehensible; my experiment on Higgs boson will change the aspect of nature within the next few years and until then the proofs of my discovery to Higgs boson will be clear like the sun in the sky.   

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