Saturday 31 December 2016

Announcement (43)

Inflation has it's part in this announcement and it should be treated as the most important actual phenomenon which our universe is assisting. Inflation has many causes and these causes are the subject of this post. I will be very happy to bring to light five causes of inflation in our universe.

The first cause of inflation to occur in our universe is Higgs boson experiment; Higgs boson experiment aim is to make our universe travelling back and that's why it's intensity through the settlement of thousands of sets is causal to inflation. I think that inflation as a physical phenomenon could never be achieved without Higgs boson experiment, and theories of inflation could never be under practise without this last.

The second cause of inflation to occur in our universe is all ejected rays from Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs); all existing rays are produced inside Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and they are: gamma rays, alpha rays, beta rays, omega rays, Higgs boson cosmic rays and all unknown rays. The effect of all cited rays is to pull particles to the end edge of our universe , and through this process our universe got pushed to widen and inflate.

The third cause of inflation to occur in our universe is monitochs production; none system is able to produce monitochs except Bose Einstein Condensate system (BECs) and they are the most important cause to inflation to push it to it's extreme and this is because of their speed to achieve the end edge of our universe, their lighter mass and their creation to further space to our universe.

The fourth cause of inflation to occur in our universe is Higgs boson magnetism; because Higgs boson magnetism is pulling all existing particles to the end edge of our universe; this process allows our universe to dilate and becomes wider. Higgs boson magnetism is produced from Higgs boson experiment and its a provocateur to inflation.

The last cause of inflation to occur in our universe is Higgs boson symmetry breaking to all existing masses; the decay of all masses is one condition to the travel back to our universe, and also it allows this last to dilate to it's maximum to achieve the size of universe (5). Simply symmetry breaking to masses is a continued process until achieving monitochs mass which is the smallest existing mass in all particles.

Finally; inflation should be looked at in all matter and it's scenes are everywhere.

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