Saturday 25 October 2014

Higgs Boson Flower

This is the last post of this month because I am travelling to meet my two kids; I didn’t see them for the last (13) months. I am giving myself a vacation. This post is the most important of all as it holds within it the great and the obvious proofs of life in the new era; we already know that planet earth has entered the first new orbit, and this path has many consequences on it. These consequences are today’s subject.

The first consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is high temperature; the earth has approached to the sun by few meters that makes it absorbing more heat.

The second consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is the high level of humidity; oceans water, seas water, lakes water and rivers water are reaching a high level of vaporisation that makes the water molecule more abundant in the atmosphere.

The third consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is heavy rains; clouds are building quickly and becoming rain quickly as well, their condensation is becoming higher and higher to produce heavy rains.

The fourth consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is the sulphur extermination to the carbon atom; the sulphuric acid is the main player to lock the carbon atom within the sulphuric carbonate, many chemical equations are cited in this blog about this chemical interaction.

The fifth consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is the appearance of Higgs boson cucumbers; please check “Higgs Boson Cucumber” post.

The sixth consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is the sand disappearance from beaches and from rivers; the sea waves are rotational and they are taking with them the sand to the bottom of the seas and the oceans, and the rivers' streams are becoming stronger and stronger to carry the sand with them down to seas and oceans.

The seventh consequence on planet earth due to it’s entrance to the new orbit is the boom of flowers; everywhere you look you will see all sorts of flowers in all shapes and in all colours, the magical picture of flowers will last at least one year from today, this is called the spring of the new life of the new era.

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