Monday 6 February 2017

Announcement (81)

So Higgs boson is still ignored and it has no one to hold it; and this is because of my mistake for not going to university for a thesis in particle physics. In this announcement I am not assuring your understanding to my talk and that's why I decided to say something about five consequences of Higgs boson experiment on planet earth.

The first consequence of Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is strong winds; strong winds are the product of quarks submission because quarks build on (3) kind of them in order to form a (π) shape and this is what makes air able to pass inside them and make it's first path, also because quarks speed is very fast and this is what creates  accelerated air movement to produce strong winds.

The second consequence of Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is cells demolition; most cells of living organisms are demolished because of Higgs boson magnetism decay to chemicals; most of the participating chemicals in cells building loose their electrons to finish by having no meaning to their existence. I think that the demolishing of cells is one of the images of the apocalypse of living organisms.

The third consequence of Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is the deformation of high mountains; high mountains loose their top because of many created conditions by Higgs boson experiment and such conditions are: Higgs boson magnetism decaying to particles of high mountains because they are more exposed to it, strong winds by their uprooting to trees and carrying soil particles and heavy rain destabilizing soil then big rocks.

The fourth consequence of Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is the creation of new bacteria; I think that the world is seeing the appearance of new kind of bacteria in many areas especially in olives trees, I think that this phenomenon could be explained by the old age of the olive tree and this means that the new kind of bacteria is more reliable with the olive tree than any other tree.

The last consequence of Higgs boson experiment on planet earth is the appearance of new kind of insects; due to the made change of the weather conditions insects are the first creatures to build in older genes and this is also because of Higgs boson magnetism reversing to DNA. I think that new kind of mosquitoes, flies, bees, spiders and many kind of flying insects will dominate the presence of the known ones. 

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